We configure and parameterize devices and actuator systems of automation systems
processor-based load control instruments Smith Meter, Emmerson, Honeywell, etc.
frequency inverters and softstarts, measuring systems
implementation of information technology
electrical measurements
We carry out a wide range of start-up, commissioning and assembly works
assembly of control and instrumentation equipment, automatic control and electrical cabinets and actuator equipment in the facilities
laying of signal and electrical cables
laying communication and telecommunication networks
start-up of automation systems
start-up and parameterization of actuator elements of the automation system
supervision over the initial operation of automation systems
All our software undergoes FATs on laboratory stands in our company and SAT tests at the facility before it is started up at the customer’s site.
Fuel Distribution Management and Supervision System for aircraft
of refueled aircraft in 2018.
Own products
Tell us –What can we integrate/implement for you?
IT systems automation
– mgr inż. Hubert Kołodziejski +48 42 617 66 41;
e-mail: hkolodziejski@agatit.pl
– mgr inż. Krzysztof Okrasa +48 42 617 66 52;
e-mail: kokrasa@agatit.pl